Tetsu Kariya & Akira Hanasaki — Oishinbo A la Carte : Fish, Sushi & Sashimi

Jessica Elfrida
1 min readNov 12, 2021

You can choose whichever, it is just a matter of preference.

In this story, Yamaoka-kun’s big boss had asked him a favour. His grandson was a bit down after his college application to a favourite college did not make through. Yamaoka-kun made him a feast of right-eyed and left-eyed flounder fish. Something I just knew after reading this story, is that majority of people like the left-eyed flounder fish more, being more fine in texture and chewiness. But in direct comparison, the grandson pointed out that not all people would like the texture of left-eyed flounder fish, therefore right-eyed flounder fish would be more preferable than the left one. He realized that sometimes we could get carried away by popular opinion, when in reality, it is just a matter of preference.



Jessica Elfrida

Virtual repository of personal interest. So mostly it would be about 📚🥪🍺